India offers a very unique experience whether it be for tourism, work or business. There is a special vibrant energy here that permeates all aspects. So many different communities live together here. There are so many different types of terrains and climates. It is an eye opening experience to come to India for any reason. Many people come to India each year. The Indian visa process includes several types of visas. Today we will be talking about how to fill the Indian visa application form.

How to Fill the Indian Visa Application Form
The following are instructions on how to fill the Indian visa application form:
- Surname: This is the applicant’s last name or family name. It should be spelled the same as in the applicant’s passport.
- First name: The applicant’s actual name. The middle name must be given as well, if applicable. Must be the same as what is listed in the passport.
- Change of Name: If applicants have ever changed their name, they need to check the box that says “yes”and give the entire name they used previously (first, middle and last names)
- Country of Birth: Applicants must enter the country they were born in. This must match the country of birth in their passport.
- Email Address: Applicants must enter their email address even if some forms do not require it. Certain consultes require email addresses.
- National/Citizenship Identity Number: The applicant can enter N/A if they do not have this number.
- Religion:The applicant can select their religion. If their religion is not on the list, they can select “others” and enter their religion in the space provided.
- Identification marks: Any visible mark such as a tattoo or birthmark that can be used for identification. If none exist, the applicant can enter “none”.
- Educational Qualifications: Applicants must select their education level from the options provided:
- Below Matriculation: When the applicant has not studied beyond the 10th grade.
- Graduate: When the applicant has a university or college level education.
- Higher secondary: When the applicant has high school education.
- Illiterate: When the applicant has not been educated at all.
- Matriculation: When the applicant has a 10th grade level education.
- Post graduate: When the applicant has studied beyond the university or college level.
- Professional: When the individual has technical/professional training or certification.
- Citizenship: Applicants will have to specify whether their citizenship is by birth or through naturalization. If it is through naturalization, applicants must state their previous nationality.
Passport Details on the Indian Visa Application Form
This section deals with the information applicants have to provide about their passport.
- Place of passport issue
- Expire date of passport
Pakistani Passport Holders
- Pakistani passport holders have to give details such as their booklet number, tracking number etc
Green card/ permanent resident cards from other countries
If the applicant has a green card from the US or permanent resident cards from other countries they must mention this.
Once these details have been entered, applicants must select the “Save and Continue/Exit” option, to save their data.
Address Details Section on the Indian Visa Application Form
Present Address: Applicants must enter their current residential address.
Proof of address:
- Driving License
- Utility Bill or copy of lease
Permanent Address: If the permanent address is same as current address, the applicant can check the relevant box. Otherwise permanent address details should be provided along with proof.
For citizens of non-US countries, their permanent address must be one in their home country. If the applicant does not have one, then they must mention the address of one of their relatives.
Section on Family Details
Applicant’s must mention:
- Mother’s name
- Father’s name
- Spouse’s name
If the applicant’s paternal or maternal grandparents are from Pakistan, they will have to mention the details. If not, they must check the box that says “No”.
Section on Occupation/Profession Details
- Applicants must select a profession from the list that matches their current job the best
- If the applicant is a student, minor or a homemaker , they must enter their father or spouse’s occupation details.
- Applicant’s must give their employer’s name
- Applicant’s must provide the phone number and details of their previous job
- If the applicant was working with a military, security, semi military or police organization, they need to check the relevant box. They also need to provide details such as the name of the organization, their rank, designation and post.
Applicants must then select “Save and Continue/Exit” options to save their data.
Details of Visa being applied for:
Applicants will have to select the type of visa they require and provide additional information such as :
- Duration of the visa. This usually varies from 6 to 120 months.
- Number of entries (such as single, double, triple and multiple entries.)
- The purpose of their visit along with their expected date of travel.
- The name of the city that they will arrive in first in the country.
Additional Information Required Depending on Type of Visa
Indian Business Visa: Applicants will have to provide the name, phone number, address, and email address of the company in India that they will be working with.
Indian Business Visa Transfer: Applicants will have to provide the details of the visa that has to be transferred along with the passport from which the visa needs to be transferred.
Indian Conference Visa: Applicants will have to mention the number of days that they will be staying in India for.
Indian Diplomatic Visa: Applicants will need to provide additional documentation and information based on the Consulate’s request.
Indian Employment Visa: Applicants will need to provide their professional qualifications, the name and address of their employer in India and their designation in India along with their salary.
Indian Entry Visa: Applicants will need to provide additional documentation and information based on the consulate’s request.
Indian Entry Visa Transfer: Applicants will have to give details of the visa to be transferred along with the passport from which the visa needs to be transferred.
Indian Journalist Visa: Applicants will need to provide additional documentation and information based on the consulate’s request.
Indian Medical Attendant Visa – The name of the patient along with their passport number is required.
Indian Transit Visa – The country the applicant will visit prior to and after transiting through India. Whether the applicant has residency or a visa for those countries.
Details of Previous Visit
If the applicant has visited India previously, they will have to check the box that says “Yes”. They will have to provide the details of their visit such as the places they stayed in and visited and their previous visa. The applicant will also have to mention whether they received permission to visit or extend their stay in India.
Additional Information
Applicants must mention the countries that they have visited in the last 10 years.
The Name, phone and address of their reference in India and reference in Canada and the United States.
Once these details have been mentioned, applicants must select the “Save and Continue/Exit” option so that they can save their data. In case they need to edit something, they will have to select “Modify/Edit”. Once they are sure about their answers, they should select the option “Verified and Continue”.
Once applicants have completed the form and have submitted it, they will get a confirmation number including file and applicant number. This file number is not the same as the temporary application ID. The form can also be printed. Applicants must note that corrections cannot be handwritten. If corrections need to be made after submitting a form, the application form will have to be filled all over again.
Applicants must choose the relevant Indian Mission (consulate) when they apply.
When individuals are applying for their visa, they will see a temporary application ID, at the top of the page. Applicants must remember to save this ID, as their information may get lost otherwise.
Indian Visas are generally provided for time periods of 6 months to 10 years based on the type of the visa.
Once applicants have finished answering all of the questions, they will have an option to review and verify their answers on the final page. This is the chance to correct mistakes. The form will have to be printed out. Applicants must print the application on two pages and sign them on both pages.
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Indian visas are granted for time periods of 6 months to 10 years based on the type.
Applicants must mention the countries that they have visited in the last 10 years.
They will have to provide the details of their visit such as the places they stayed in and visited and their previous visa. The applicant will also have to mention whether they received permission to visit or extend their stay in India.
If the applicant is a student, minor or a homemaker, they must enter their father or spouse’s occupation details.