The Right to Information (RTI) Act 2005 was passed to ensure a response to citizen requests for government information. Due to this act and RTI for passport, any citizen of India can ask the passport office for information that falls under the person’s right to knowledge. The RTI Portal Gateway enables the quick search of required information. The objective of this act is to enable citizens by allowing them to access required information quicker than before. This increases the transparency and accountability of the Government and allows citizens to have much more of a voice.

This act marks a great effort to keep citizens abreast of the activities of the Government. To get information using RTI, the person needs to send a request in writing or online to the Chief Public Information Officer of Consular, Passport and Visa (CPV) Division, Ministry of External Affairs.
RTI Application Form
Follow the instructions given below to file an application under RTI:
Step 1: Visit
Step 2: On the website, click on ‘Submit a request option’.
Step 3: On ‘Guidelines for use of RTI online portal’, tick the checkbox and click on ‘Submit’.
Step 4: From the dropdown menu, select the department or ministry for which you want to make an application.
Step 5: Upon application submission, a unique reference number would be generated which you need to save for future use.
Step 6: In case a citizen is from non-BPL category, he should select the option ‘No’ in ‘Is the applicant below the poverty line?
Step 7: The applicant would be required to make payment if Rs.10 as per the RTI rules.
Step 8: The text for RTI request application should be up to 3000 characters. If the text is more than 3000 characters, then the application can be uploaded in supporting document field.
Step 9: Click on make payment.
Step 10: The online payment modes will be displayed. Complete the payment.
RTI Application Fees
If you are submitting documents in person at a regional office, the fee can be paid :
- In cash
- Through demand draft
- Banker’s cheque
- Indian postal order which is drawn in favor of the Passport Officer of the concerned passport office, payable at the place where the passport office is located.
Paying Application Fees Online
The application fees can be paid using:
- internet banking
- credit card
- debit card
- other payment facilities available on the RTI Online Portal
If the RTI application is made through the portal, the above options are all available on the RTI Online Portal. People in the BPL category do not need to pay the application fee if the required documents are provided when the RTI application is filed.
The additional fee charged are as follows:
- For each page created or copied in A-4 size paper – Rs.2.
- For each page created or copied in A-3 size paper – Rs.2.
- For samples or models – actual cost price.
- For copies in larger size paper – actual cost price.
- For inspection of records – no fee for the first hour, and Rs.5 per hour after that.
- If information is provided in a diskette or floppy – Rs.50.
- If information is provided in print – Rs.2 per page of photocopy for extracts from the publication.
The method of payment for the additional fee is the same as the one for the payment of the application fees. If additional fees are required, the concerned authority will let the applicant know.
When can an Applicant File an Appeal?
An appeal can be submitted to the appellate authority if:
- The applicant has not received a decision within the time that is specified under Subsection (1) or Clause (a) of Subsection (3) of Section 7.
- The applicant is aggrieved by a decision of the Public Information Officer (PIO).
- Note: The appeal can be filed within 30 days of the above mentioned instances.
RTI Status Check
RTI application status can be tracked by giving the reference number.
Format for Filing RTI Application to Obtain Information
There is a particular format in order to file an RTI application. This is whether it be in writing or through electronic methods. The format that applicants must use while filing RTI applications that need to be sent to the Chief Public Information Officer or Public Information Officer is below:
The Chief Public Information Officer (or) / Public Information Officer
CPV Division/ Regional Passport Officer/ Passport Officer
✔ Full Name of the Applicant (in capital letters)
✔ _______________________________ Fill out your name here, as it appears in official records like Driving License, Birth Certificate, etc.
✔Father’s / Husband Name (in capital letters) _______________________________ Fill out this information here, as it appears in official records like their Passports. Do not include if no Father’s Name / Husband’s Name is available.
✔ Complete address _____________________________
✔ _____________________________ Fill this out with the same address as appears in your passport, and on other identity + address proof documents.
✔Pin code_____________________________
✔Telephone No. Office ________ Res.____________ Mobile ______________ Fill in the number on which you can be contacted at any time of the day.
✔ Whether belong to BPL category (if yes, please attach a copy of the BPL / Antyodaya ration card (please tick) Yes ___No____ to claim waiver of the application fee)
✔Details of Application Fee / Additional Fee:- (Application Fee – Rs.10/-; Addl. Fee – @Rs.2/- per page for A-4 size paper created or copied, by Cash, DD/BC/IPO to be drawn in favour of ‘Accounts Officer, Ministry of External Affairs, if the application is submitted at the CPV Division, Patiala House, New Delhi or Passport Officer’ payable at local office where the application is submitted:
✔Cash Receipt/
✔Cheque / IPO No
✔Date Name of the issuing
✔Amount (Rs.)_______
✔Particulars of information required (please enclose separate sheet, if required, indicating specific details of information required and the preferred medium i.e. inspection, photocopy, softcopy, etc.)
✔Write the required information here
I state that the information sought does not fall within the restriction contained in Section 8 & 9 of the RTI Act and to the best of my knowledge it pertains to your office.
Details of all Public Information Officers, Regional Passport Officers, Appellate Authority, and Central Public Information Officer
Also Read: Indian Passport Renewal Process for NRIs – SBNRI
To ask any questions related to the rights of NRIs, PIOs, and OCIs, you can download SBNRI App from the Google Play Store or App Store. You can also use the SBNRI app for investment in stock market/ mutual funds, NRI account opening, tax filing, etc. To ask any questions, click on the button below. Also, visit our blog and YouTube channel for more details.
It was passed in 2005 and the full form of RTI is right to information.
In person at a regional office or through the RTI Online Portal.
RTI or Right to Information Act is a fundamental right and is an aspect of Article 19 (1)(a) of the Indian Constitution. Right to Information replaced the Freedom of Information Act, 2002.
If the applicant does not receive the response for the RTI, within 30 days (or 35 days in case the application was transferred to another department or was submitted to APIO) of submitting the application, then the applicant can file for an appeal.