Emergency Help for Indians Stranded in Ukraine and Donation for Children

The Indian Government is making all efforts to bring back all Indians from Ukraine. 26 flights, including those of Indian Air Force, will be sent to evacuate around 5,500 more Indian nationals stranded in war-hit Ukraine and emergency helpline numbers have been rolled out.

As per the government sources, out of the estimated 20,000 Indian nationals in Ukraine, 60% (30% already reached India and 30% are in neighboring countries) have already crossed the Ukrainian border. The government is taking necessary steps to evacuate the remaining 40% of Indian nationals in Ukraine. 

Emergency Help for Indians Stranded in Ukraine and Donation for Children
Emergency Help for Indians Stranded in Ukraine

MEA teams led by ambassadors are at the Polish, Romanian and Hungary side of the land borders to receive Indian nationals and arrange onward evacuations from these countries.  

In a tweet, the Indian Embassy in Ukraine has issued an advisory asking all Indian nationals to leave Kharkiv immediately. 

How to reach these places

The Indian Embassy issued a second advisory telling Indians how to exit Kharkiv and reach these settlements.

MEA teams at borders

To execute evacuation through neighboring countries on the west of Ukraine, teams of the Ministry of External Affairs are positioned at the Romanian, Polish and Hungarian borders to receive and proactively arrange evacuation from Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland. 

Here are emergency helpline numbers for Indians crossing borders of neighboring countries or stranded in Ukraine. 

Indians near Hungary or Poland

If you are near the borders of Hungary or Poland, you can contact the Embassy on the below Numbers:

Embassy of India in Poland



Team in Poland: Krakowiec border crossing (for personal cars)


Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) Team in Poland: Shehyni-Medyka border crossing (for pedestrians / using public transport)

Fill evacuation Form

+48-575 762 557

+48-660 460 814

Team in Hungary: Zahony / Kpp Tysa border crossing




Indians who want to cross border through Kpp Tysa may register here

WhatsApp number:




Indians who want to be evacuated via Slovak Republic may register here

Team in Romania: Suceava border crossing





Embassy of India in Ukraine, Kyiv

Contact any of the following numbers to get in touch with the Indian Embassy in Kyiv (Ukraine):






Team in Romania: Suceava border crossing





Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) – control room

Considering the current situation in Ukraine, a Control Room has been set up in the Ministry of External Affairs to provide assistance and information to Indians stranded in Ukraine and their loved ones in India. Contact details are as under:

1800118797 (Toll free)




Donate to protect children in Ukraine

In Ukraine, the lives of 7.5 million children are at risk from deeping conflict in the country. Thousands of families are fleeing Ukraine for safety because explosions are striking major cities across the country. 

UNICEF have been working tirelessly for the safety of children in Ukraine since the conflict began. You can also donate to protect children in Ukraine. Your donation can help provide a family with emergency water, food and hygiene kit. You can donate to protect children in Ukraine. Click the link below to donate.

Donate to protect children in Ukraine

At SBNRI we always strive to help our NRI friends whether financially or other ways that connect them with India. You can click the button below to ask any questions and get help for NRIs in Ukraine.

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