Are you an outdoor lover but hate sun tanning that makes your skin look so darkened and tanned? The tan that you received from outdoor exposure is the only result of UVA rays from the sun which hits your skin with Sun Tanning. Well, you don’t need to worry much as these Skin Tanning, sunburns, and suntan can be reversed. Here, we have got you the best ways to save yourself from sun tanning. So, don’t worry and read the article completely.

The Best 10 Tips to Keep Yourself Safe From Sun Damage And to Prevent Sun Tanning
Here are some of the best and easiest ways listed below that helps you to keep yourself safe from skin tanning:
Walk on The Shady Sides When You’re Out
Always find a sun-safe place wherever you walk on the roads in order to reduce sun tanning and skin damage. Try to find a shady spot if you’re on the beach side as sand and water reflect the rays of sun that usually increase your skin tanning.
The Sun at Its Peak
The main thing that you want to avoid is going out when the sun is at its peak usually between 11 am-4 pm. The sun is at its peak at this time and leads to the worst damage to your skin. So, try to spend little time as possible during these hours to prevent Skin Tanning. No matter what the weather or temperature is!
Apply Sunscreen to Protect Your Skin
Always apply sunscreen to all the exposed areas of skin before 20 minutes you stepped out of your house in any weather. however, if you’re outside for long hours then you must reapply the sunscreen after every 3-4 hours.
Hence, it is required to only purchase a good quality sunscreen for your skin above 30SPF that would help to keep your skin protected.
Always Cover-Up
Try to wear clothes that protect your skin from the harsh UV rays. Also, cover your hands and legs completely whenever exposed to the sun. You should also wear full-sleeved clothing no matter what you’re doing and what the weather is!
Wear UV-Protected Sunglasses
The under-eye skin is the most sensitive one of the other areas of our body. So, it is required to take care of that skin the most! We would like to recommend you always wear UV-protected sunglasses when you stepped outside. You can also go for the lens size that helps to cover up your entire under-eye.
Remember to Protect Your Lips in The Sun
Your lips can get darken not only by smoking but also by the sun. Surprised! Well, it’s true. So, you must make sure to use the lip balm which has SPF for UV protection in order to prevent Skin Tanning.
Staying Hydrated
You should drink at least 15-20 glasses of water every day to prevent Sun Tanning and dry skin. This will definitely help you in reversing the skin tanning effects too.
Choose The Sun-Friendly Cosmetics
You should always remember to apply moisturizer in the daytime to get enough moisture to your skin. In addition, you must use mineral-based makeup instead of using cream-based ingredients. Also, avoid applying perfumes as they can make your skin more sensitive to heat and UV rays.
Follow The Diet That Makes You Immune to The Sun
Eat healthy rich fiber foods like fruits and vegetables to boost skin immunity and prevent sun tanning and damage. Adding vitamins and antioxidants to your diet will also act as an internal sunscreen and prevent Sun Tanning.
Wash Your Face at Least Twice a Day
Also, don’t forget to wash your face at least 2-3 times a day to keep your skin clean, healthy, and sun-protected.
Sun Tanning can be a sign of damaged skin cells. Hence, it would be best to avoid and prevent it in the first place. As it is well said that prevention is always better than a cure! So, stay sun protected and take care of your skin the most.
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You should only purchase good quality sunscreen for your skin above 30SPF that would help to keep your skin protected and good for every skin type.
You must use mineral-based makeup instead of using cream-based ingredients. Also, avoid applying perfumes as they can make your skin more sensitive to heat and UV rays.
Yes, adding vitamins and antioxidants to your diet will also act as internal sunscreen and prevent Skin Tanning.