NRI Cell in India for Grievance Redressal

In the event of any grievances, NRIs and PIOs can contact or visit NRI cells that have been set up by certain states. The National Commission for Women has also set up an NRI cell for queries and grievances related to NRI marriages. This article is about these NRI cells in India for grievance redressal. 

NRI Cells in India for Grievance Redressal
NRI Cells in India for Grievance Redressal


NRId and PIOs can contact the office of the Protector General of Emigrants (PGoE) while staying in India. The PGoE can be visited twice a week. This is on Tuesday and Friday from 11:30 to 12:30. During this window, no previous appointment is required to meet the PGoE.


Protector General of Emigrants (PGE)

Room No. 105 A

Shram Shakti Bhawan

Rafi Marg, New Delhi.

NRI Cells 

The following are the different NRI cells that have been set up in India. 

NRI Cell U.P.

The NRI Cell in U.P. has been created to provide facilities to the NRIs / PIOs from Uttar Pradesh. It is a cell that deals with all the affairs of Overseas Indians (OIs) with the objective of effectively responding to grievances. It also engages OIs and provides escort services in order to invest in projects for Uttar Pradesh that are beneficial for all.  The cell continuously networks with NRIs/ PIOs/ and their associations abroad.

The U.P. NRI cell is a liaison between the state and NRIs abroad to nurture cooperation in investments, industry, commerce, culture and various other areas. NRIs are invited to share their queries and grievances with the  NRI Cell of U.P.

The website can be accessed here.

NRI Sabha Punjab

The NRI Sabha Punjab was founded in 1996 in order to oversee the  interests and welfare of the Non-Resident Punjabis and to enhance the cultural bond. The sabha is not political in nature and is supported by the government of Punjab. It  brings NRIs, their supporters in Punjab and the government of Punjab together. The Commissioner of the Jalandhar Division, who acts as the  State NRI Chairman manages the effective working of the sabha, conducts elections for the president and audits accounts and records of membership etc. Each NRI member nominates a nominee member in Punjab so the interests become more collaborative in nature. The Sabha is addressing more areas such as grievance removal for the youth and women especially. 

The Central Objectives of the Organization are:

  • To help NRIs protect their rights in Punjab particularly with respect to property related matters.
  • To provide amenities to NRIs when they visit Punjab.
  • To jointly follow the interests of  NRIs with the state and central governments.
  • To help with the investments of NRIs in Punjab.
  • To strengthen the cultural bond with Punajbi, particularly for the new generations.
  • To enhance social welfare in Punjab 
  • To serve as  NRI property trustees for those who want this of the sabha
  • To recognize accomplished NRIs. Awards are to be given for exceptional contributions to Punjab. 

The website can be accessed here.

Information on Non Resident Indian Cell of Kerala Police

This cell is located at the police headquarters in Thiruvananthapuram. The head of the NRI Cell is the police superintendent. The superintendent operates under the direct supervision of the Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) Head quarters and Inspector General of Police (IGP) Head quarters.

The NRI Cell deals with the queries and grievances of non-resident Keralites and their family members. The NRI cell’s central purpose is to look into petitions related to allegations of:

  • visa cheating
  • fraudulent man power recruitment by agencies
  • trafficking of women to other countries (especially the Gulf)
  • The physical and mental harassment of NRIs at their work overseas. 

The petitions come to this office directly from the people concerned.  The petitions come from the government of Kerala, other government authorities and the state police chief. Non-Resident Keralites may file their complaints with the Kerala Police NRI Cell through email at

The website can be accessed here.

Non Resident Indian cell of National Commission for Women

This is the Non Resident Indian (NRI) cell set up by the National Commission for Women (NCW). This cell primarily assists women that have married NRIs that are in India or abroad. The functions, procedure of working, achievements and contact details are all on the website below. The cell gives information regarding the  contact details of Indian missions and embassies, important case laws, booking NRI marriages, do’s and don’ts related to NRI marriages, National Domestic Violence etc. 

The website can be accessed here.

Andhra Pradesh Non-Resident Telugu Society (APSRTC) – An Entity of Govt. of AP

This society is an initiative by the government of Andhra Pradesh  to bring together the global Telugu Diaspora The society’s objective is to maintain a platform that allows nris to stay connected to India and contribute to it as well. 

The website can be accessed here

To ask any questions related to the rights of NRIs, PIOs, and OCIs, you can download SBNRI App from the Google Play Store or App Store. You can also use the SBNRI app for investment in stock market/ mutual funds, NRI account opening, tax filing, etc. To ask any questions, click on the button below. Also, visit our blog and YouTube channel for more details. 

Ask Indian Friend Now


What does PGoE stand for?

Protector General of Emigrants

What does the Non-Resident Indian cell of the National Commission for Women deal with?

This cell primarily deals with the grievances of women who have married NRIs that are in India and abroad.

What is the function of NRI cells?

Their objective is to deal with the grievances of NRIs and enhance the cultural bond with their country. The overall goal is to work together while staying connected with the state and country.

What are the timings and the address of the Protector General of Emigrants (PGoE)?

NRIs and PIOs can contact the office of the Protector General of Emigrants (PGoE) while staying in India. The PGoE can be visited twice a week. This is on Tuesday and Friday from 11:30 to 12:30. During this window, no previous appointment is required to meet the PGoE.

Protector General of Emigrants (PGE)
Room No. 105 A
Shram Shakti Bhawan
Rafi Marg, New Delhi.

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