With the world becoming increasingly interconnected, dual citizenship is something more people and countries have to consider. There are many advantages to dual citizenship for the individuals concerned. Many more opportunities become available to dual citizens. Dual citizenship or multiple citizenship is when an individual is legally recognized as a citizen of two or more countries. This means that they can hold 2 or more passports at the same time. There can be a few disadvantages to this status as well. Today we will be talking about dual citizenship, its benefits, and how to acquire it.

Benefits of Dual Citizenship
Dual citizens can take advantage of the benefits offered by both countries they are a citizen of. They might have access to:
- Two social security systems
- Voting rights in both countries
- Opportunity to run for office in both countries (if permitted by law)
- Opportunity to work in both countries without a work permit or visa
- Opportunity to attend school and college in both countries at a fee offered to citizens
Two Passports
This makes travelling between the countries much easier as:
- No visa is required.
- There are fewer hassles going through customs
- Citizens are guaranteed entry into both the countries
Owning Property
- Freedom to own property in both countries
Multicultural Knowledge
Living in two countries teaches citizens all about different cultures and customs. It is a rich source of knowledge that can be applied to every area of life.
- Double Taxation
- Ineligibility for Certain Jobs
- Can be a long and complex process
How to Get Dual Citizenship
- Birth: By being born in the country or having parents that were born in the country.
- Naturalization: This is the process of spending several years in the country as a permanent resident and becoming a citizen.
- Marriage: This is the process of acquiring citizenship by marrying a citizen of the country.
- Investment: By investing in a country, an individual can get a second citizenship. Investment programs first make the individual a permanent resident and then a citizen.
Countries that Allow Dual Citizenship
Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Vanuatu, Iceland, Belize, Malta, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Latvia, Slovenia, Albania, Armenia, Jamaica, Croatia, Panama, New Zealand, Ireland, Costa Rica, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Bulgaria, Serbia, Switzerland, Israel, Hungary, Portugal, Sweden, Greece, Czech Republic, Belgium, Bolivia, Benin, Romania, Chile, Syria , Malawi, Australia, Peru, Angola, Poland, Canada, Algeria, Argentina, Spain, South Korea, Italy, South Africa, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Turkey, Egypt, Philippines, Mexico, Russia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Nigeria, Pakistan, United States
This information is from World Population Review.
Dual Citizenship India
India does not permit dual citizenship. India does however offer the Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card.
OCI cards are awarded to foreign nationals:
a) Who were eligible for Indian citizenship as on 26th January 1950
b) Who became Indian citizens at any time after 26th January 1950
c) Who were citizens of a territory that seceded into India after 15th August 1947.
Any minor children of the above-mentioned individuals can also apply for OCI cards. Citizens from Bangladesh and Pakistan are not eligible for OCI cards.
The OCI card allows:
- Lifelong visa-free entry into India and unlimited duration of stay.
- No need for police reporting when in India.
- Same benefits as NRIs in terms of investments, property transactions, education and housing schemes from the government.
OCI card holders cannot buy property meant for agricultural or plantation purposes. Also, OCI cardholders are barred from holding public office, voting in elections and working for the government.
We hope that this article has been informative and helpful about dual citizenship.
To ask any questions related to the rights of NRIs, PIOs, and OCIs, you can download SBNRI App from the Google Play Store or App Store. You can also use the SBNRI app for investment in stock market/ mutual funds, NRI account opening, tax filing, etc. To ask any questions, click on the button below. Also, visit our blog and YouTube channel for more details.
A dual citizen may have to pay taxes in both countries.
No India does not allow dual citizenship, but it does give the Overseas Citizen of India Card to certain foreign nationals. This gives many of the benefits of citizenship.
Lifelong visa-free entry into India and unlimited duration of stay. No need for police reporting when in India. Same benefits as NRIs in terms of investments, property transactions, education and housing schemes from the government.
OCI card holders cannot buy property meant for agricultural or plantation purposes. Also, OCI cardholders are barred from holding public office, voting in elections and working for the government.