A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), sometimes known as SIP, is a service provided by mutual funds that allow investors to invest in a disciplined manner. SIP allows an investor to invest a set amount of money in a mutual fund scheme at predetermined intervals.

How Does SIP Function?
When you invest through a SIP, you invest a set amount of money over a set period. This sum enables you to purchase a specific number of fund units. If you do this for a long period, you will be able to invest in the fund at both highs and lows. Put another way; you don’t have to time the market to make your investments.
Market timing can be dangerous since one can invest at the wrong time. SIP investments eliminate the element of unpredictability.
How do You Keep Track of Your SIP?
SIPs, like any other investment, must be tracked. Even though they are deemed safe and reliable, you cannot leave them alone. Mutual fund statements can be used to monitor performance. If you notice any deviations and the fund’s performance falls short of your expectations, you can switch it anytime or redeem the units you invested in.
Advantages of SIP Investing
Compounding Power
Compounding occurs when the returns on your investments begin to earn returns. In theory, this is a straightforward concept. However, the practical ramifications are significant.
Low Initial Outlay
SIPs allow you to invest in mutual funds for as little as Rs. 500 per month. This can be inexpensive to invest in each month without breaking the bank. With the SIP step-up feature, you can increase your monthly investment amount as your income rises. Investors can top up their SIPs regularly with mutual fund houses.
So, you can gradually increase your investment even if you start with Rs. 500 or Rs. 1,000 per month.
Average Rupee Cost
Rupee cost averaging is a concept in which you buy more units when the fund’s Net Asset Value (NAV) is low and fewer units when the NAV is high. It averages out your purchasing costs over the life of the investment. Investing through a SIP means you don’t have to worry about market timing.
SIP might be an easy way to invest. Like other investors, you may need more time to conduct thorough market research and analysis to change or balance your portfolio. So, once you’ve chosen a decent fund, you can give the bank standing instructions and let the SIP handle your monthly investments.
Investing During Market Cycles
When markets are weak, the same Systematic Investment Plan sum can buy more units. Lower units are produced during larger market cycles. While compared to a lump-sum investment, the investor is less affected by market volatility when employing a Systematic Investment Plan.
Because a lump-sum investment can be expensive or inexpensive, a Systematic Investment Plan spreads the cost over time and gives you an average buying price.
Daily SIP
The Daily SIP is a concept and one way to invest in mutual funds. It can be defined as a daily investment in MFs with a set amount of money in a disciplined manner. This technique allows investors to invest according to their financial goals and build long-term wealth by investing relatively little money over a lengthy period.
Why Should You Do a Daily SIP?
Daily SIPs can provide simplicity and other benefits to investors with limited skills, expertise, money, or time. Investors should consider it since it averages out the effects of volatile markets and dynamic markets. When compared to weekly or monthly SIPs, investors might expect better returns.
- A daily average: When an investor begins a daily SIP, a fixed amount is typically invested daily with discipline. This permits you to acquire more units when the stock market is down because the mutual fund’s NAV will fall. Similarly, when the markets are growing, fewer units are allocated. This is known as rupee cost averaging, and a daily SIP will be quite beneficial in reaping this gain.
- Lighten the load: Taking out a lump sum of money every month or at specified intervals may be challenging for many investors. This is a primary cause of indiscipline, leading to the investment being abandoned. A modest amount is placed in daily SIP, adding up to a sizable monthly sum. As a result, the one-time load is reduced while the results are improved.
- Begin small and work your way up: The investment amount starts at Rs 100, and investors can withdraw this small amount daily and watch their wealth and corpus grow over time.
Monthly SIP
In short, a monthly SIP mode is chosen if you have money to invest right now, and a SIP mode is chosen if you expect a regular inflow of money in the future. SIPs are recommended for first-time investors.
Why Should You do a Monthly SIP?
- It provides long-term earnings and allows you to save a lump sum for the future.
- It instills the practice of saving regularly, which can only be advantageous to an individual or family.
- It provides variety as well as the advantages of averaging rupee costs.
- It allows you to withdraw your money when you need it.
- It allows you to increase or reduce the investment amount at your leisure.
Which SIP Would be Most Advantageous to You?
Daily SIP vs Monthly SIP
According to research, the frequency of SIPs, whether daily, weekly, or monthly, has no significant impact on returns.
For example, the difference in return between daily, weekly, and monthly SIPs is small over time. However, if you choose the daily SIP over the monthly SIP, you may need help monitoring your investment. If you receive a set monthly paycheck, monthly SIPs are preferable to daily SIPs. For simplicity, you could choose SIP dates near your salary date.
Regarding returns, the longer investment duration makes little difference in the return value, regardless of the tenure you choose. According to several research, the difference between daily, monthly, and quarterly SIP investments is only about 1 to 2 percentage points. Although daily SIP investments have always provided higher returns, they have always been modest.
The Time Has Come For a Systematic Investment Plan
Systematic Investment Plans can be begun at any moment to ensure that risk is kept low by using the suitable scheme plan for the investor, which is mapped to the investor’s risk-return profile. It is critical for the investor to choose a scheme that achieves his long-term aims while also meeting his financial objectives.
As a result, there is no single time frame during which an investor is expected to begin the systematic investment strategy. The sooner you start, the better.
Aside from setting the frequency of SIPs, investors must also focus on selecting the correct mutual fund to meet their investing goals after carefully analyzing their risk tolerance. More importantly, investors must think about the time horizon.
Finally, choosing between daily and monthly SIPs will not substantially impact your results, especially if you invest in the long term.
Connect with master trust specialists who can help you find the best SIP plans in India, daily and monthly SIP investment plans, and best-performing SIPs so that you can invest in mutual funds easily and conveniently. Plan your SIP investment responsibly.
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When the need to discontinue a SIP occurs, all mutual fund schemes allow investors to discontinue the SIP at any time without penalty or charge. It usually takes 30-45 days from the date of the investor’s request to terminate a SIP.
Even if you invested through a mutual fund distributor, you can terminate your SIP. It is beneficial to notify your mutual fund agent, who will fill out the cancellation request for the SIP with the corresponding AMC.
However, investing in a SIP does not provide any guarantee or promise of returns. This is due to the fact that a mutual fund scheme invests in a portfolio of securities in various quantities. A large-cap fund, for example, may include 30-40 stocks in its portfolio.
SIPs are only one way to invest in mutual funds. SIPs teach investors to be disciplined and consistent with their investing. If you discontinue your SIPs, your money will be managed in the same manner.